
Your website for £190 with 4 content pages

  • We design and code the home page and 4 content pages of your website
  • With your images and content
  • Accessible HTML5 and CSS3

Your website for £260 with 10 content pages

  • We design and code the home page and 10 content pages of your website
  • With your images and content
  • Accessible HTML5 and CSS3

Your blog for £290

  • We design and code the template for the home page, the articles and the pages
  • You can put there your images and content
  • Accessible HTML5 and CSS3

We design and code your website and the template for your blog

We will fully do the design and coding of the home page and up to four content pages of your website and the templates for the home page, the articles and the pages of your blog (the rest carry an additional fee), according to the style we agree to with you.

Your images and content

We will put in your website the text, images and other content you send to us, laid out and organized the way you want. In your blog, you will be able to upload and place your text, images and other content the way you like it.

Accessible HTML5 and CSS3

We use the HTML5 and CSS3 markup languages (the latest available) to take advantage of the latest web technologies. Also, we use accessible markup, so that people with a disability or with old browsers will also be able to access your website and your blog.